Tax Office closed April 18, 2025 (Good Friday).
La Oficina de Impuestos cerrara el 18 de Abril de 2025 (Viernes Santo).
If you are attempting to pay your tax bill online, you can now do so here. If you are simply searching for information on an account, you can do so as normal with the Property Search feature.
Account Number Account numbers can be found on your Tax Statement. If you do not know the account number try searching by owner name/address or property location.
Owner Name Enter owner's last name followed by a space and the first name or letter. Example: Doe John or Doe J
Owner Address This is the owner's mailing address. Enter the street number followed by a space and the street name.
Property Location This is the actual property address. Enter the street number followed by a space and the street name. Do NOT enter street type or direction such as: Ave., Ln., or Dr. Example:100 Weatherford